Monday, July 22, 2013

essay for the month of nutrition

                                        "Gutom at Malnutrition Sama-sama natin Wakasan"

today we are celebrating the month of july or it is well known " as the Month of nutrition" the theme is gutom at malnutrition sama sama natin wakasan" malnutrition is the main protagonist this year
and Good nutritional value is noted when man or women, benefits from a well-balanced dietary intake,in a normal organ development and function, normal reproduction, growth and maintenance,and working efficiency, resistance to infection and ability to repair bodily damage or injury., a well-balanced diet, daily exercise, and practice of discipline reveals the necessary things one must have to attain good nutrition.Eating the right amount and kinds of food like green leafy vegetables,and other food vitamin supplament everyday is a tremendous contribution of nutrition to prevention of diseases and other well known risk to death. to much calorie intake has been demonstrated to bring about an impairment of physical efficiency, low production output and poor muscle strength and endurance. these causes lack of nutrition or else heart failure.Vitamin deficiency affects physical fitness and well-being. Protein deficiency results to muscular weakness, fatigue and overall work performance.Proper nutrition is the very thing we need now. Our existence will mean a lot as well as our goals if we can utilize this. some of the farms as of now are being manifested by harmful chemicals to the mixture of minerals added aas a supplament of plants.If only we can set aside every earthly distraction and pay close attention to health and life, then every man and women and even the future child  can wake up each day facing the new hope of the golden sun and providing the wellspring of progress in the world. the nuttrition month can be probihitted for